Should i major in business or engineering
Should i major in business or engineering

I got a 2.5 GPA the first semester of my freshman year. In high school, I learned these concepts by doing and not by sitting in some lecture hall taking notes. I didn't even learn about transistors until my junior year in my real ECE major. By the end of the class we had learned about resistors, transistors, tute-bot circuits, and an entire array of engineering concepts. We had to figure things out on our own and when we had questions, which we did almost all the time, we would ask Mr.

should i major in business or engineering

Go build a firefighting robot that can autonomously navigate a maze and put out a fire." What ensued was what all engineering programs should be like.


My teacher David Peins, basically said to the class, "here are some parts, here is how to make a Printed Circuit Board (PCB), and here are some circuits. It wasn't an EE class per se' but it just as easily could have been. One of the best Electrical Engineering classes I ever took was in high school during my freshman year. By the next semester most of the learned information will go to waste because there was never any real practical experience applied to the information in the first place. Why? Because now the students need to focus on the next chapters and shortly thereafter they'll have their next exam. And once that test is finished, all of that information evaporates.

should i major in business or engineering

Students cram all of the formulas and anecdotes into their brains because in a few hours they will be responsible for regurgitating those same formulas onto a test. A few days before the exam the libraries are packed. After a few weeks of lectures and labs, the class is ready for its first test. How fun is this? 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, a professor stands up in front of a classroom and paraphrases sections from a chemistry text book.

Should i major in business or engineering